
VEGAS Bot Command List and Their Uses

Welcome to the VEGAS bot command guide. This tutorial will help you understand the various commands available and how to use them to enhance your gambling experience.

Command List and Their Uses

  1. /wallet : Show your wallet (in direct message with the bot only)

  • Use this command to view your wallet details, including balance and address.

  • Example:

  1. /profit : Show your profits

    • Use this command to display your total profits from all games played.

    • Example:

  2. /treasury : Check our treasury

    • This command provides details about the current balance and overall health of the VEGAS treasury.

    • Example:

  3. /stats : Check your stats

    • Use this command to view your personal statistics, including the total amount wagered and other relevant metrics.

    • Example:

  4. /tip : Give $VEGAS to another user

    • Use this command to tip other users. The recipient must have their wallet set up.

    • Example:

      /tip @username amount
  5. /raindrop : Giveaway $VEGAS through a rain in the group you're in

    • This command allows you to distribute $VEGAS tokens to multiple users in the group.

    • Example:

      /raindrop amount users time
  6. /fair : Verify a bet

    • Use this command to verify the fairness of a specific bet.

    • Example:

      /fair roulette bet_id
  7. /new_server_seed : Reveal the last server seed and generate a new one

    • This command reveals the previous server seed and generates a new one for security.

    • Example:

  8. /price : Check $VEGAS price

    • This command gives you the current price of $VEGAS tokens.

    • Example:

  9. /coinflip : Start a coinflip

    • This command starts a Coinflip game where you can bet a specific amount.

    • Example:

      /coinflip amount
  10. /roulette : Start a Russian roulette

    • Use this command to start a Russian Roulette game with a specified bet amount and number of players.

    • Example:

      /roulette amount players

Enjoy and gamble responsibly!

Last updated