🪙Coin flip

Tutorial: Playing Coinflip with Vegas

Welcome to the tutorial on how to play Coinflip using the VEGAS Telegram bot. This guide will walk you through the steps to place a bet and check your results.

Step 1: Access the Bot

Open your Telegram app and start a chat with the VEGAS bot.

Step 2: Place a Bet

To place a bet, use the /coinflip command followed by the amount you want to bet. The bet amount must be between 10 and 5000 $VEGAS tokens. For example, to bet 1000 $VEGAS tokens, you would enter:

/coinflip 1000


This message confirms that you are about to bet 1000 $VEGAS, which is currently equivalent to $99.52.

Step 3: Confirm the Bet

After verifying the bet amount, press the Bet button to confirm. If you wish to cancel, press the Cancel button.

Step 4: View Results

Once your bet is placed, the bot will process it and provide the outcome. If you win, the bot will notify you with the amount won.

Example Result

In this example, the user won 2000 $VEGAS, which is equivalent to $199.03. The Bet id is a unique identifier for this particular game, which you can use for verification.

Step 5: Verify the Bet

To verify the fairness of your bet, you can use the /fair command followed by coinflip and the Bet id.

For example:

/fair coinflip 66a176ed48ae8fc71724890f

This command will return the details of your bet, ensuring that the process was fair and transparent.


  1. Start a chat with the VEGAS bot on Telegram.

  2. Place a bet using the /coinflip command. Remember, the bet amount must be between 10 and 5000 $VEGAS.

  3. Confirm your bet by pressing the Bet button.

  4. Check the results provided by the bot.

  5. Verify the fairness of your bet using the /fair coinflip command followed by your Bet id.

Enjoy and gamble responsibly!

Last updated