๐Ÿ”ซExtreme Russian Roulette

Tutorial: Playing Russian Roulette with Vegas

Welcome to the tutorial on how to play Russian Roulette using the VEGAS Telegram bot. This guide will walk you through the steps to participate in a game, place your bets, and check your results.

Step 1: Access the Bot

Open your Telegram app, go on VEGAS group.

Step 2: Join a Game

To join a game of Russian Roulette, launch one through /roulette command on the "Extreme Russian Roulette" topic, or wait for an active game in the chat and click the Participate button. The entry price and current prize details will be displayed.

Note that the current prize pool is slightly reduced because VEGAS takes a 1% fee that goes to our treasury.


In this example, the entry price is 3000 $VEGAS, equivalent to $303.03. The current prize pool is 5940 $VEGAS ($600.00), and the total prize is 14850 $VEGAS ($1500.00) before the fee.

Step 3: Start the Game

Once enough players have joined, or the auto-start timer ends, the game will begin. You will see the number of shots left, players remaining, and whose turn it is.


The game shows that there are 6 shots left and 2 out of 5 players remaining. It is @0xWasa's turn to act.

Step 4: Take Your Turn

When itโ€™s your turn, you will have the option to either Trigger the gun or Pass. If no action is taken within 20 seconds, the game will enter autoplay mode.


Here, @0xWasa can choose to Trigger the gun or Pass the turn.

Step 5: View Results

The bot will notify the outcome of each trigger pull. If a player shoots themselves, they are eliminated, and the game continues with the remaining players. The last player standing wins the prize pool.

Example Result

In this example, @empty1700 shot themselves, and @0xWasa won 5940 $VEGAS.

Step 6: Verify the Bet

To verify the fairness of the game, use the /fair command followed by roulette and the Bet id.

For example:

/fair roulette 66a17a2b48ae8fc71724891e

This command will return the details of the game, ensuring that the process was fair and transparent.


  1. Start a chat with the VEGAS bot on Telegram.

  2. Join a game of Russian Roulette by clicking Participate.

  3. Wait for the game to start.

  4. Take your turn by choosing to Trigger the gun or Pass.

  5. Check the results provided by the bot.

  6. Verify the fairness of the game using the /fair roulette command followed by your Bet id.

Enjoy and gamble responsibly!

Last updated